Emily on the beach in Seattle, a photo story and conversation

Emily on the beach in Seattle, a photo story and conversation

Emily tapped into her change-making ability after taking a Social Entrepreneurship class in college. She says, “I was inspired by all the work that these entrepreneurs were doing and wanted to help consumers find businesses that value social impact.

This led me to start my blog, The Honest Consumer. The Honest Consumer focuses on mindful living & more informed buying by providing consumers with resources that educate and feature brands valuing social
responsibility. Through different social impact events and organizations I've been able to connect with people who share my values and are passionate change-makers. 

She also finds purpose with Remake by “raising awareness around the importance of ethical and sustainable fashion. 
Remake has helped me connect with other people who value sustainable fashion and advocating for garment workers rights. I think it's really important to have other people who understand the importance of social impact whenever you're advocating for change. When you have a community you can share your struggles and wins which is really important in the social impact space. "
As an ambassador I have participated in multiple Remake campaigns that encourage bigger brands to pay their garment workers. We have written e-mails and taken action through social media. I have also participated locally with the Seattle chapter through our quarterly meetings, happy hours, and local events raising awareness around the importance of ethical and sustainable fashion.

Remake @remakeourworld is a global advocacy organization fighting for fair pay and climate justice in the clothing industry.


Interview: JeLisa Marshall

Photography: Jess Garcia www.jessgarciastudio.com

Styling: JeLisa Marshall @thestylistway www.thestylistway.com

Model: Emily founder of @thehonestconsumer www.thehonestconsumer.com and @giveadamngoods


Photographed in Seattle, WA. 


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